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🇺🇦 Цей сайт є частиною спільної роботи Спільноти адвокатів Академії Хана в Європі. Більше тут.

🇷🇴 Acest site aparține unei inițiative comune a Khan Academy Advocates Community in Europe. Mai multe aici.

🇬🇧 This site is part of an united work of Khan Academy Advocates Community in Europe. We'll add different resources useful to Ukranian children. This content is needed to children to not be affected too much by the war, by the staying away from their homes. They have to continue their education. More here.

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🇷🇴 Puteți ajuta distribuind. Găsiți link-urile aici.

🇬🇧 You can help by sharing. Find the links here.